Monday, January 18, 2016

The Glass Bridge that would take your breath away

Do you suffer from Acrophobia? Well if you do not know what Acrophobia is, you may still be suffering from it. Acrophobia is an extreme or irrational fear or phobia of heights, especially when one is not particularly high up. So whether you know it or not, many people in the world do suffer from looking down from heights and have their legs trampling when looking down from a tall building or Eiffel Tower.

OK suppose, we take it that you do not suffer from  Acrophobia - but here is your acid test. Walk over this hanging glass bridge in China and you would know. Many people are simply resistant to walk over this glass bridge over a 590 feet crevice. At 948 feet, it is the longest bridge of its kind anywhere else in the world.

As they say, it is a Brave Man's bridge as people can barely make it across without freaking out. The glass is one inch thick and there is nothing below it - so if it cracks, God forbids, you are on your own to .......

Watch the video below, I came across on Facebook, and decide whether you would take a stroll over it to know if you suffer from Acrophobia - it will simply take your breath away!

Would you walk across this bridge???
Posted by DJ Reminise on Wednesday, January 6, 2016

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