Saturday, July 3, 2010

LASIK – A breakthrough in Eyes related Diseases

A large number of people across the globe suffer from eye diseases, like hyperopis, myopia, astigmatism and like. LASIK (acronym for Laser assisted in situ keratomileusis) is one of the latest techniques involving Laser to cure and treat many eye diseases. In simple words, LASIK virtually painless eye surgery is a treatment that reshapes the cornea in order to produce clear vision. In USA, the use of LASIK is rapidly gaining pace as the procedure is very simple which takes a few hours and has a faster patient recovery.

Stahl Eye Center for LASIK is one of the many clinics using this technique. At Stahl Eye Center, doctors’ patient outcomes have been independently verified by nonprofit LASIK patient advocacy USAEyes to meet or exceed the national norms for LASIK results.


S A J Shirazi said...

Useful info!

laser eye correction surgery said...

Lasik is becoming more and more common with advances in technology and is really an efficient treatment for persons having a wide variety of eyesight issues. Anyway, thanks for the info!