Thursday, January 13, 2011

January brings roses

While the world celebrates New Year, the gardeners and garden lovers celebrate it with roses. Yes, January is the month to plant rose saplings as this month and its cold weather provides just the right kind of environment, temperature and air to take roots and start to blossom in coming spring.

And like all rose lovers, I along with my wife and elder son visited the nurseries in Islamabad, near the famous Peshawar Mor and the Sunday Bazaar. All nurseries beside other saplings of flowers and green plants were full with rose saplings of umpteen number of eye catching colours. Although rose is famous for its sweet and unique fragrance, only a few species emit smell, while a majority is odorless.

We purchased almost a dozen different colours including a few that give typical rose smell and planted the saplings the very next day outside the boundary wall of our house. And I do hope and pray these to grow well and give out flowers in spring after two months. I will share the photos then for those who love roses, their fragrance and colours.